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Diana Penty |
Diana Penty Basic Info: Diana Penty (born November 2,1985)is an Indian model and actress.She started her career in Mumbai choosing modeling as her first choice and she made her acting for the first film under the direction of Homi Adajania titled Cocktail – A Love Triangle Movie starring Saif ali Khan, Deepika Padukone and Diana Penty in the lead roles.In addition to acting, Diana is also the face of Maybelline and Garnier, which are both internationally recognized brands.
Biography :
Born : November 2, 1985 (Mumbai, India)
Occupation : Actress, Model
Years active
Personal Information:
Diana Penty is an Indian Model From Mumbai, starting from her career she signed with Elite Model Management and appeared Maybelline and Garnier Fructise shampoo Advertisements in 2005.She Also Appeared in an Virgin Mobile Ad with Bollywood Actor Ranbir Kapoor.She Had Worked with Many Indian Designers like Ashish Soni, Sabyasachi, Wendell Rodricks, and Rohit Bal.Diana is also the face of Maybelline and Garnier, which are both internationally recognized brands.
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